
Gordon's murder was being prepared: SBU exposes Russian FSB agent network coordinated by former MP

 • 9137 переглядiв

One of the tasks of the detainees was to collect data on Ukrainian figures who were of interest to the Russian special services. In particular, the enemy tried to obtain information about the places of residence and visits, daily schedule and social circle of certain individuals.

Law enforcement officers exposed an agent network of the elite unit of the Russian Federal Security Service, the Department of Counterintelligence Operations, in Kyiv . This was stated by the Security Service of Ukraine, reports UNN.


The group of four saboteurs was coordinated by a former MP from the banned Party of Regions. During a multi-stage special operation, SBU officers detained all four agents, including the former MP.

According to the materials of the proceedings, another task of the network was to collect data on Ukrainian figures who were of interest to the Russian special service. In particular, the enemy tried to obtain data on the places of residence and visits, daily schedule and social circle of certain individuals. All this was done with the aim of further physical elimination of these figures. Among those for whom the Russian special services were preparing a contract killing was Ukrainian journalist Dmytro Gordon

- the SBU summarized. 

During the searches, the SBU found and seized communications equipment and electronic devices with evidence of reconnaissance and subversive activities in favor of Russia.

All four detainees are currently in custody. Depending on the crimes committed, they were served a notice of suspicion under the following articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: Art. 111 (high treason);. Art. 113 (sabotage);. Art. 258 (terrorist act)

- law enforcement officers summarized. 

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing. Comprehensive measures are underway to bring to justice the officers of the FSB Department of Counterintelligence Operations, whose identities have already been established by the SBU.


According to the case, this agent network was engaged in intelligence and sabotage work on the territory of Ukraine. In addition to the ex-MP, the network included a sabotage perpetrator, a supplier of explosive devices, and an agent specializing in surveillance.

Палили автівки військових ЗСУ на замовлення рф: СБУ викрила групу диверсантів02.09.24, 13:14

According to the investigation, in case of successful completion of hostile tasks, the former MP planned to expand his network and carry out sabotage virtually throughout Ukraine.

Investigators found out that the agents planned a series of explosions on Ukrzaliznytsia tracks to disrupt the logistics of the Defense Forces. In particular, the Russian secret service set them a task: to blow up one of the tracks in Kyiv region. The Ukrainian Armed Forces use it to transport equipment and personnel to the frontline regions. However, the SBU managed to prevent the sabotage.


SBU CI detained another informant of Russian military intelligence in Mykolaiv. The offender was collecting coordinates of targets for a new series of missile and drone strikes on the city. 

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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