
Google is accepting applications from Ukrainian startups for funding from the $10 million Support Fund

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Google is accepting applications from Ukrainian startups for funding from its new $10 million Support Fund to help them grow their businesses, restore operations affected by the war, or create new products.

Google is expanding its support for Ukrainian companies and opening an additional $10 million support fund for startups in Ukraine. This was announced by the Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov, UNN reports.


As announced at the Tech Ecosystem Summit, Ukrainian startups can apply for grants of up to $100,000 to develop their business, restore business operations that have been affected by the war, or create a core product to fulfill new tasks.

The Minister invited businesses to submit applications by link until June 5. Detailed requirements can be found at link.

By the way, AI-based products will be prioritized

- Fedorov added.

The winners of the new Google for Startups Ukraine Startup Support Fund will be announced in stages - in June and September 2024, as well as throughout 2025.

Start your own businesses, scale them up, strengthen the digital economy, and become million-dollar companies. This is about the future of Ukraine and GDP growth

- the Minister emphasized.


Google has already provided 58 Ukrainian startups with a total of $5 million in grants and technical support to help them grow their businesses.

Amazon, Microsoft та Google заборонять використання хмарних сервісів у рф з 20 березня19.03.24, 06:24


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