
German intelligence chief: Russia may attack NATO by 2030

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Bruno Kahl, president of Germany's Federal Intelligence Service (BND), believes that Russia will be able to attack NATO territory no later than the end of this decade. UNN reports this with reference to Ntv


Kahl sees a direct military threat from Russia. "By the end of this decade at the latest, the Russian armed forces will be able to attack NATO," Kahl said. 

He also added that  "the Kremlin sees the Federal Republic of Germany as an enemy". He explained this by saying that Germany is the second largest supporter of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. 

"We are in direct conflict with Russia". Russian President Vladimir Putin is concerned not only about Ukraine, but also about "actually creating a new world order. The Russian secret services are increasingly using all their resources" and without any remorse, ‘Further escalation of the situation is unlikely,’ the BND president warned and added that politicians should give German security services the means and authority to avert these dangers.

Байден заявив про готовність США до переговорів з рф, Китаєм та КНДР для зменшення ядерної загрози14.10.24, 08:45


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