
From today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs resumes providing consular services for men of military age

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Starting May 18, Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 living abroad must submit military registration documents along with other necessary documents to receive consular services at Ukrainian diplomatic missions, with some exceptions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has instructed diplomatic missions abroad to resume accepting applications from men of military age and provide them with consular services from May 18, UNN reports. However, the provision of consular services for this category of citizens will now have specific features.


On April 23, before the law on mobilization came into force, diplomatic missions stopped accepting applications and issuing documents to men of mobilization age. The explanation was that it was necessary to resolve technical issues, as the procedure for obtaining documents and services for this category of citizens would soon change.

How consular services will be provided now

Starting from May 18, men aged 18-60 who are staying/residing abroad can apply for consular services.

According to the new legislation, along with the documents required to obtain the chosen consular service, such applicants must also submit their military registration document in paper (VOD) or electronic form (e-VOD).

A paper certificate of registration with a military enlistment office issued to conscripts, or a military ID card or a temporary certificate of a person liable for military service is considered to be a paper certificate.

It should be noted that a paper document can be submitted only before the launch of the recruit's electronic cabinet, where everyone will be able to create an electronic document on their own. The electronic cabinet has already been launched,, however, the function of generating the relevant electronic document is expected to appear no earlier than June 18.

There are several special cases when military registration documents are not required for consular services. In particular, when it is necessary to obtain a certificate of return to Ukraine, the so-called "white passport".

Secondly, when a consular action is performed in the interests of a child whose other parent is a foreigner or stateless person. Thirdly, if an arrested or imprisoned applicant applies for consular services.

В Україні запустили додаток "Резерв+" для військовозобов'язаних, призовників та резервістів18.05.24, 02:42


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