
The embezzlement of millions from the budget and tax evasion: the case against the exhibition owners of the forest farm from Volyn was brought to court

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In Ukraine, the former head of the state forestry department, an accountant, and four entrepreneurs have been charged with embezzling UAH 15 million in public funds.

The former head of the state forestry, together with an accountant and four other entrepreneurs, will be tried for embezzlement of budget funds. This was reported by the State Bureau of Investigation, UNN reports.


We are talking about the former director of the State Enterprise "Specialized Forestry Agro-Industrial Enterprise "Kamen-KashyrskaHrolis" and the chief accountant of this enterprise, who stole UAH 15 million from the state.

В Києві судитимуть посадовця ДСНС, який не задекларував майно дружини на близько 13 млн гривень24.01.24, 14:21

It was established that the offenders engaged four local entrepreneurs and transferred over UAH 15 million to their accounts over several years. The money was received for allegedly rendered services in vehicle repair, trucking, repair of premises, garbage collection, shipment of timber products, etc.

Law enforcement officials emphasize that it has been confirmed that the contracts were fictitious and no services were provided. The company also evaded taxes by UAH 5.7 million.

The former director and accountant are accused of misappropriation of property by abuse of office, by prior conspiracy, money laundering, forgery (Article 191(5), Article 209(2), Article 212(2), Article 27(5), Article 358(3), Article 28(2), Article 358(4) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)

- the SBI said.

The men face a sentence of up to 12 years in prison.

In addition, the four entrepreneurs are accused of misappropriation of other people's property, its legalization and forgery.


It is noted that  now the former director heads the Southern Forestry Office of the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine", which extends its activities to Mykolaiv, Odesa and Kherson regions, and the former chief accountant holds a similar position in another enterprise.

To compensate for the damage, the court has seized the property of all the defendants worth tens of millions of hryvnias at the request of the SBI. This includes land plots, residential buildings, shops, cars, and special equipment.


The head of the Department of Construction, Architecture and Land Use of Sviatoshyno District State Administration will be tried for embezzlement of budget funds for the repair of shelters.

Volodymyr Omelchenko

Crimes and emergencies


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