
First visit of a British royal since 2014: the Duchess of Edinburgh arrives in Kyiv

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The Duchess of Edinburgh, Sophie Helen, visited Ukraine for the first time since Russia's invasion, where she met with victims of conflict-related sexual violence and torture, forcibly deported children, and demonstrated solidarity with the victims of Russian aggression.

For the first time since the beginning of Russia's invasion, representatives of the British royal family have arrived in Ukraine. The Duchess of Edinburgh Sophie Helen arrived in the country for a one-day visit. This was reported by UNN with reference to Suspilne.


Sophie General is an activist with the British initiative Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict. With her visit, the Duchess sought to demonstrate her solidarity with victims of sexual violence and torture affected by the war.

In Kyiv, the Duchess of Edinburgh met with survivors of conflict-related sexual violence and torture who agreed to share their stories.

She also met with children who had been safely returned to Ukraine after being forcibly separated from their families and deported by Russia.

Today was a happy day because I was finally able to get to Ukraine. And I am very happy to be here on my first visit. But it's also a sad day because, of course, it means that while I've been here, I've been learning more and more about the situation in all its realities, which are of course sad. The human cost of war is very real, and I know that everyone here feels it very keenly

- Sophie Helen said.

Жертви насильства, скоєного російськими солдатами, найближчим часом мають отримати відшкодування - ЗМІ26.04.24, 16:17


The Duchess also met with Volodymyr and Olena Zelenskyy to discuss the most effective ways to support survivors of sexual violence during the war.

According to the Duchess, it was important for her to meet with First Lady Olena Zelenska and recognize her efforts to "set up centers where victims can go to find support and move forward, where they are cared for.

In addition, in her opinion, it is important to note how the crimes of the Russian army are currently documented in Ukraine at the early stages.

The Duchess also met with residents of Irpin and Bucha and noted "how they help their communities in times of great despair and need.

I will take their stories home with me - in my heart

- She said.


Victoria Tsymbalyuk, a representative of the Coordination Headquarters, said that Russian invaders systematically violate human rights in the occupied territories, including torture, sexual violence, organizing the abduction of thousands of children from Ukraine and deporting entire families.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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