
Fire in a warehouse building of a poultry complex in Volyn: extinguished with a fire robot

 • 25643 переглядiв

A fire broke out in a warehouse building at a poultry complex in Novovolynsk, Volyn region, Ukraine, at 4 a.m. and was fully extinguished by 7:30 a.m. No one was injured, but the cause of the fire and the damage are being investigated.

A fire broke out in a warehouse building at a poultry complex in Volyn Oblast, which was completely extinguished at 7:30 a.m. No one was injured in the incident, and the cause and damage are being investigated. This was reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


A fire broke out in the warehouse building of a poultry complex in Novovolynsk, Volyn, at about 4 a.m. today.

To stop the fire, 15 units of special equipment, 49 rescuers and a fire robot were engaged.

Thanks to joint efforts, at half past eight in the morning, the fire was extinguished over an area of more than 4000 m².

Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident. Investigations are underway to determine the cause of the fire and assess the damage.

У Ковелі на Волині спалахнула пожежа у 5-поверхівці, людей евакуювали28.01.24, 00:20


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