
Fire at steel plant in Berlin will not affect IRIS-T production rate - Defense Express

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A large-scale fire broke out at Diehl's plant in Berlin, which is involved in the production of air defense systems, but it will not affect the production of IRIS-T air defense systems.

The warehouse of Diehl, which, among other things, produces IRIS-T air defense systems, is on fire in Berlin. But the fire does not threaten the production of anti-aircraft missile systems. Defense Express writes about this, UNN reports.


According to the publication, the Diehl corporation's Diehl Metall plant is on fire in Berlin.

The corporation also includes Diehl Defense, Diehl Aviation, Diehl Controls, Diehl Metering.

The fire damaged the premises of Diehl Metal Applications GmbH. The company manufactures copper alloy products, electroplating, and complex stamped products.

It is noted that some of the affected company's products are probably involved in the production of missiles or the IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile system, but it is not the final stage. In this regard, there is no threat to the pace of production of the air defense system.


A large-scale fire at the Diehl Metal Applications steel plant in Berlin has led to the release of toxic smoke. Authorities advise residents to stay indoors and close windows.

Для захисту підземних газосховищ: "Нафтогаз" закликав партнерів посилити ППО України 01.05.24, 00:58


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