
Fight against drug mafia: Ecuadorian President calls on Latin American governments to join in

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Ecuadorian President Daniel calls on Latin American countries to unite to fight crime and drug trafficking. He said this in an interview with Colombian media, UNN reports.

I think that the region, not just Colombia, has allowed this problem (drug trafficking) to grow uncontrollably. We have to be together to fight it. This is a regional and global problem. Consumption of these products (drugs) takes place in the United States, in Europe.

- Naboa expressed his conviction.


Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa is convinced that drug trafficking is a regional problem, and Latin American governments must unite to fight it.

During an interview with the Colombian media, Noboa also said that his country would seek to extradite foreign prisoners from Ecuadorian prisons.

There is an old agreement on the exchange of prisoners (between countries). Our law says that any foreign prisoner who is sentenced to five years or more can be returned to their country. Our prisons are overcrowded with more than 3,000 people. Today, in addition to the fact that we cannot cope with this number of prisoners, we as a nation spend more money on foreign prisoners than on a child's school breakfast.

 ," Naboa said.

Боротьба з наркомафією в Еквадорі: Президент Набоа анонсував збільшення податків на безпеку й показав проєкти нових в'язниць13.01.24, 03:30


Argentine authorities have detained the wife and children of Ecuadorian drug trafficker Jose Adolfo Macias and deported them early on Friday to Guayaquil.

Macias, whose alias is "Fito," disappeared on January 7 from an Ecuadorian prison where he was serving a 34-year sentence for various crimes, including drug trafficking and murder.

Tatiana Salganik

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