
EU elections: distribution of seats in the European Parliament updated based on preliminary results

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In the new composition of the European Parliament, according to updated preliminary results, the European People's party is the largest group with 185 seats, followed by the Socialists and Democrats with 137 seats, "renew Europe" with 79 seats and other groups, writes UNN with reference to the updated draft of seats for the new European Parliament.


The composition of the groups is based on the available preliminary or final national results published after the end of voting in all member states, as of 13:59 local time on 10 June out of 26 available countries, based on the structure of the European Parliament: 

  • European People's party group (Christian Democrats) (EPP) - 185 
  • Група Прогресивного Альянсу товаришів по службі по демократичному керівництву (S&D) - 137 
  • Група "Відродження Європи" (Renew Europe) - 79 
  • Group of European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) - 73 
  • Identity and democracy group (ID) - 58 
  • Green group / European Free Alliance ("Greens" /EFA) – 52 
  • Those who are not in groups (NI) - 46 
  • Left group in the European Parliament GUE / NGL ("left") – 36 
  • Newly elected members who do not belong to any of the political groups established in the outgoing European Parliament ("others") - 54

For reference

According to the rules of the European Parliament, a political group must consist of at least 23 members elected in at least seven member states.


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