
Enemy troops shelled the Sumy Region 14 times, resulting in 37 explosions

 • 30860 переглядiв

russian troops shelled the border areas of the Sumy Region 14 times, resulting in 37 explosions in several settlements.

During the day, the forces of the terrorist state shelled Sumy Region 14 times, resulting in 37 explosions. This is reported by the Sumy Regional Military Administration, reports UNN.


During the day, the Russians carried out 14 attacks on border territories and settlements of the Sumy region. 37 explosions were recorded. Belopolskaya, Krasnopolskaya, Velikopisarovskaya, and Esmanskaya communities were shelled

- Sumy regional military administration.

Community situation

Velikopisarevskaya: the enemy made an artillery attack (2 explosions), a mortar attack (1 explosion) and dropped vog from a UAV (2 explosions).

Belopolskaya: the invaders fired artillery (8 explosions), vog was dropped from a UAV (5 explosions).

Esmanska: the invaders fired mortars  (2 explosions).

Krasnopolskaya: the enemy hit with artillery (9 explosions), mortar (8 explosions).

росія десять разів обстріляла Сумщину: зафіксовано 34 вибухи23.06.24, 10:19


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