
Enemy strikes Nikopol community 11 times with kamikaze drones

 • 27478 переглядiв

The enemy struck Nikopol and the surrounding villages with kamikaze drones 11 times, damaging private homes and outbuildings.

The enemy shelled Nikopol district once again, damaging private houses and outbuildings. This was reported by the head of the Dnipropetrovs'k Regional State Administration Serhiy Lysak, UNN reports.


During the day, the enemy fired 11 times with kamikaze drones at Nikopol district, in addition, artillery attacks were registered.

The aggressor was targeting Nikopol district all day. They attacked the district center, Marhanets, Pokrovska and Myrovska communities

- he wrote.

15 private houses, 12 outbuildings, cars, and power lines were damaged. Fortunately, no people were injured.

61-річна жінка загинула під час російського обстрілу міста Гуляйполе в Запорізькій області - Федоров24.02.24, 17:33

Anastasia Ryabokon



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