
Enemy drones strike an agricultural enterprise in Kharkiv region: 15 cows are killed

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On February 22, enemy drones killed 15 cows at a private agricultural enterprise in the village of Mokra Rokytna, Kharkiv region.

On the evening of February 22, a private agricultural enterprise was damaged and livestock was killed by enemy drones in Kharkiv region. In total, the Russian army attacked about 20 settlements in the region over the past day, the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleh Syniehubov, said on Friday, UNN reports.


According to him, at 23:15, the enemy attacked the village of Mokra Rokytna, Kharkiv district, with drones.  A private agricultural enterprise was damaged as a result of enemy drone strikes .

Five hit sites were identified, a storage shed was damaged, and 15 cows were killed.  No casualties were reported

- wrote Sinegubov on social media.

In total, according to the head of the RMA, enemy artillery and mortar attacks occurred in about 20 settlements in Kharkiv region, including: Synkivka, Dvorichna, Ivanivka, etc.

Авіаційні бомби, які окупанти скинули поблизу приватних будівель на Харківщині, знешкоджені саперами 22.02.24, 17:15

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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