
Ecuadorian President declares war on the mafia: riots break out in the country

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Ecuadorian President Noboa declared war on the gangs, calling them terrorist organizations. Currently, unrest continues throughout the country.

After the criminals took hostages on a live TV channel, Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa declared war on the mafia and ordered the liquidation of all gangs. This is reported by DW, UNN reports.


According to the decree, the head of state ordered the armed forces to conduct operations against two dozen criminal organizations, declaring a "regime of internal armed conflict." 

The decree names gangs operating in Ecuador as terrorist organizations and non-state belligerents that must be destroyed.

It is noted that during the riots, the leader of the Los Choneros gang, Adolfo Macias, a pseudonym, escaped from his cell in prison. 

Masias' whereabouts are still unknown. The prosecutor's office opened an investigation and charged two guards in connection with his alleged escape.

At the same time, local media reported that the attack on the TV studio was not the only one. The day after the state of emergency was declared, at least four Ecuadorian police officers were kidnapped by criminals, and riots broke out in six prisons.

Надзвичайний стан в Еквадорі: люди у балаклавах захопили телеканал09.01.24, 23:31

Hostage-taking was also reported in other cities. In Guayaquil, the attackers seized hospitals, although order has been restored. Bandits are seizing police stations, schools, universities and even the subway. People are being taken hostage and abducted.


In connection with the events taking place in Ecuador, the Interior Minister of neighboring Peru, Victor Torres Falcon, has ordered "immediately" to send police forces to the border with Ecuador to strengthen security amid escalating banditry in the neighboring country, the country's Interior Ministry reported on social media. 

The government of Peru condemned the violence and expressed its full support for President Noboa. The government of Paraguay also expressed solidarity with Ecuador.


Ecuadorian police arrested armed men wearing balaclavas who seized a television station with weapons and explosives, which was considered a terrorist act by Police Commander Zapata.

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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