
During the war, metal products were supplied to Russia: top management of enterprises was notified of suspicion

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Law enforcement officers have served notices of suspicion of aiding the aggressor state to officials of enterprises that continued to provide the Russian military-industrial complex with barrier systems during the war. UNN reports this with reference to the State Bureau of Investigation and the Prosecutor General's Office.


As noted, over the past six months, law enforcement officers have exposed and terminated the activities of the second concern, which continued to supply the Russian military-industrial complex even after the invasion.

It has been established that a group of companies from Zhytomyr region supplied Russian defense industry enterprises with barrier systems used in the war against Ukraine.

Before the war, the concern was owned by an entrepreneur who left Ukraine a few days before the war started and after the invasion re-registered the property to controlled entities that continued to work with Russia.

 The "new owners" of the concern set up supplies through controlled foreign and Russian intermediary companies. It was these companies that sent "orders" to the Ukrainian manufacturer, allegedly for the needs of a third party.

In 2022, the company supplied goods to the Russian Federation for a total of USD 1.5 million. The end consumer of these products in Russia is a company that supplies metal barriers for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense

- the Prosecutor General's Office said in a statement.

Currently, two top managers of the concern have been detained and served a notice of suspicion of committing intentional actions aimed at assisting the aggressor state committed by an organized group under Part 3 of Art. 28, Part 1 of Art. 111-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

At least three other members of the group, including its organizer, are outside Ukraine. These individuals will be served a notice of suspicion in absentia.

The sanction of the article provides for a penalty of up to 12 years in prison.

The issue of seizing the property of the companies and transferring them to the ARMA is being resolved, the SBI said.

Постачали в рф засоби тактичної медицини: СБУ запідозрила в оборудці власника компанії, що виготовляє вироби з гуми та пластмаси04.01.24, 20:23

Tatiana Kraevskaya

Crimes and emergencies


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