
Due to the risk of secondary sanctions: one of the largest banks in China, Bank of China, stops working with Russian banks

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The Bank of China subsidiary in Russia is suspending operations with Russian banks included in the US sanctions list due to concerns about secondary sanctions.

The subsidiary of the Chinese Bank of China in Russia suspends operations with Russian banks included in the list of sanctioned entities.

Writes UNN with reference to Russia.


The subsidiary of the Chinese Bank of China in the Russian Federation, Bank of China, will suspend operations with Russian banks included in the SDN list of the United States from June 24 (sub-sanctioned persons and organizations – ed.). According to comments from sources in the Chinese bank, the decision is due to concerns about secondary sanctions.


Since June 24, Bank of China has stopped processing payments in yuan from Russian banks located on the SDN List of the United States; the bank will continue to work with non-sanctioned credit institutions.

Пекин пока не прокомментировал соглашение КНДР и рф: сближение двух авторитарных стран может ослабить влияние Китая21.06.2024, 14:10

"The routing of payments is carried out through the bank's nostro accounts in the divisions of Bank of China in the People's Republic of China" - it is clarified about the provision of money transfer services " from the Russian Federation to China.

Договор о партнерстве между Россией и КНДР должен обеспокоить Китай-Белый дом21.06.2024, 00:15

Ihor Telezhnikov

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