
Donetsk region: Russians dropped an aerial bomb on Selidovo at dawn, Toretsk community is under serious shelling

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In the Donetsk region, over the past day, Russian troops shelled settlements 20 times, as a result of which 1 person was killed and 11 were injured, the Toretsk community suffered the most, where many buildings were damaged, and the Russians also dropped a guided aerial bomb on Selidovo.

In the Donetsk region, Russian troops over the past day 20 times shelled settlements, at dawn dropped a guided aerial bomb on Selidovo, under serious enemy shelling Toretsk community, the region is known about the dead and 11 wounded, said on Wednesday the head of the Donetsk RMA Vadim Filashkin, writes UNN.

On June 25, Russians killed 1 resident of the Donetsk region - in Zolotaya Niva. Another 11 people in the region were injured during the day. (...) In just one day, the Russians shelled the settlements of the Donetsk Region 20 times 

- Filashkin wrote in Telegram.


According to Filashkin, the situation in the region as of the morning of June 26 is as follows::

  • Volnovakha the Golden field of Velikonovoselkovskaya TG, a person was killed. In Komar, 1 person was injured, houses on three streets were damaged. 
  • At dawn, the Russians dropped a guided aerial bomb on Selidovo - 37 private houses, 6 five-story buildings and an administrative building were damaged. 
  • Kramatorsk district. in Yampol Limanskaya TG destroyed 5 houses and 6 outbuildings. In Predtechino Konstantinovskaya TG 3 houses were damaged. 
  • In toretsk, 6 people were injured, 8 high-rise buildings, 5 administrative buildings and an Infrastructure Facility were damaged; in New York, a person was injured, 2 houses were damaged; in Severny, a person was injured, a house was damaged. In Chasovoyarsk TG, 7 private houses, 2 industrial buildings, an Infrastructure Facility and an administrative building were damaged.

На Донеччині ухвалено рішення щодо евакуації родин з дітьми з низки населених пунктів: список 25.06.24, 13:48

Julia Shramko



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