
Detention of Mazepa's businessman: SBI provides details

 • 27757 переглядiв

The owner of the investment company Concorde Capital, Ihor Mazepa, was detained while trying to travel abroad on suspicion of organizing a deal to alienate the land of critical infrastructure - Kyiv HPP. UNN reports with reference to the State Bureau of Investigation.

As UNN has learned from its own sources, it is the owner of the investment company Concorde Capital, Igor Mazepa.

 Yesterday, on January 18, SBI officers jointly with the SID of the National Police detained a businessman - organizer of the scheme of illegal seizure of land on which the hydraulic structures of critical infrastructure - Kyiv HPP - are located

- the statement said.

It is noted that the detention took place on the basis of Article 208 of the CPC of Ukraine.

"Three more members of the criminal organization, including the organizer's brother, were also detained in different regions of Ukraine," the SBI informs.

The SBI reminded that on November 29, 2023, SBI officers together with the SID of the National Police of Ukraine exposed and detained members of a criminal organization who illegally seized more than 7 hectares of land on which the hydraulic structures of critical infrastructure - the Kyiv HPP - are located.

Привласнив майже третину земель громади на Житомирщині: СБУ викрила ексчиновника Держгеокадастру23.06.23, 13:05 • [views_416910]

"The criminal organization consisted of almost two dozen people. Among them are well-known investors in the field of luxury housing construction, their assistants, lawyers, architects, land surveyors, other qualified specialists and representatives of government agencies. They acted in the interests of several developers. Using the gaps in the legal status of the plots, the organizers, through corrupt connections in government agencies, registered them as agricultural land, which allowed them to allocate these plots to Ukrainian citizens," the statement said.

Other participants reportedly sought out "front persons" through social media who agreed to sign documents for the allocation of land to them in private ownership in exchange for money. Most of them were students of Kyiv universities who were misled into accepting the offer because of their financial situation.

According to the SBI, the perpetrators subsequently signed a number of documents on behalf of the "front persons" to register ownership of the land plots. They then "resold" the land to representatives of well-known elite real estate developers in Kyiv region, who ordered and financed the illegal scheme.

"According to this scheme, during 2020-2021, the organizers and participants of the criminal organization seized state-owned land, which is classified as water fund land and is located on the hydraulic structures of the strategic Kyiv HPP. The implementation of the criminal scheme was facilitated by the actions of individual officials of the StateGeoCadastre, who exceeded their official powers when making decisions on the allocation of land plots," the statement said.

The actions of the members of the criminal organization and other persons are qualified under Articles 255 (Creation, management of a criminal community or criminal organization, as well as participation in it), 233 (Illegal privatization of state and municipal property), 209 (Legalization (laundering) of the proceeds of crime) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

In November 2023, 8 suspicions under these articles were reported.


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