
Despite the incident with the IL-76: Ukraine continues negotiations on exchange of prisoners - Yusov

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Despite russia's claims of an Il-76 crash, Ukraine continues negotiations on the exchange of prisoners of war and expects successful results, said Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Despite russia's statements against the backdrop of the Il-76 plane crash, Ukraine continues negotiations on the exchange of prisoners of war and expects successful results. This was stated in a commentary to Suspilne by the representative of the GUR Andriy Yusov, UNN reports.


According to him, there is not much new information about the IL-76 incident, but new data is constantly emerging. 

We don't have any information that would tell us anything significant right now, but new data is emerging that helps us investigate further. So far, I can only say this. The Coordination Center has confirmed that the lists provided by russia have been verified, and that they are indeed Ukrainian prisoners

- Yusov said.

Буданов розповів, що йде підготовка до обміну військовополоненими, який може відбутися найближчим часом27.01.24, 21:08

He emphasized that is not about the lists published by russian propagandist Margarita Simonyan.

In general, russian official negotiators, referring to those lists, confirmed that this is exactly the case, that these are the people being verified. For our part, we confirm that these are Ukrainian prisoners who were submitted for exchange. Negotiations are ongoing, we expect the exchange

- summarized Andriy Yusov.


According to russian reports, on January 24, an Il-76 used to transport military equipment and troops crashed in the Belgorod region of russia. Moscow then claimed that the plane was carrying prisoners of war and that russia canceled further exchanges.

Мав бути одним із найбільших за час війни: Юсов про зірваний обмін полоненими 24 січня26.01.24, 12:33

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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