
Democratic Party leaders are concerned and are calling on Biden to "provide evidence" of Trump's ability to defeat Trump

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Democratic leaders are calling on Biden to provide evidence of his ability to defeat Trump amid growing concerns about poor poll numbers.

In the camp of the Democratic Party of the United States increasingly persistent calls for Biden to provide evidence - how he can defeat Trump. UNN writes with reference to The Washington Post.


In a closed-door meeting Wednesday, Democratic leaders called on President Biden and his campaign staff to provide compelling evidence of a viable path to defeating Trump.

Amid a steady wave of poor poll results in the states, the Democratic Party mentioned the doubts of Americans about Biden's ability to do his job. This is reported by the Washington Post, citing comments from people who are familiar with the participants in the meeting.

Байден призывает демократов прекратить разговоры о смене кандидатов09.07.2024, 12:01

It has been noted that senior campaign staffers have begun to be more pessimistic about Biden's chances, even as they continue to engage in blitzes to move the campaign forward and convince allies of the president's ability to recover.

Meanwhile, there are rumors that lawmakers and donors may privately call publicly for Biden to withdraw from the party in the coming days. They say they don't want to embarrass Biden during the ongoing NATO summit in Washington, D.C., and give him time to make his own decision to drop out of the race.

Здоровье Байдена под вопросом, в Палате представителей настаивают об отчете врача президента США08.07.2024, 21:00


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