
DDoS attack on the Coordination Center for the Treatment of Prisoners of War

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A DDoS attack on the Coordination Center for the Treatment of Prisoners of War in Ukraine was carried out on January 28 to restrict access to information about prisoner exchanges and downed aircraft. Despite the obstacles, the Center continues to work on the return of Ukrainian prisoners from Russia.

On Sunday, January 28, a DDoS attack was recorded on the information resources of the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War. This was reported on the Facebook page of the department, UNN reports.


Apparently, the enemy decided that the information, in particular, about the details of the prisoner of war exchanges and the downing of the IL-76 aircraft, posed a threat to it

the statement said.

It is noted that for security reasons, access to some functions and resources will be restricted for a certain period of time.

At the same time, it is emphasized that despite all the obstacles, the Coordination Headquarters continues to work on the return of our citizens from Russian captivity.


Recently, mobile bank Monobank reported the most powerful DDoS attack since the beginning of the war.

Also, Ukrposhta and Ukrtransbezpeka reported serious technical failures in their IT systems, affecting access to the Shlyakh system, among others.  

Сервіси Нафтогазу відновили роботу після масштабної кібератаки28.01.24, 18:07

Lilia Podolyak



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