
Chief of the General Staff Bargilevich discussed with the French delegation the prospects for providing assistance to protect the sky

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The chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine discussed with the French military delegation, which arrived on a visit, the prospects for providing assistance to protect the Ukrainian sky, as well as further strengthening of Ukraine's defense capability.

A French delegation headed by Chief of the Joint Staff of the country's Armed Forces, general Thierry Burkar, has paid an official visit to Ukraine. This is reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reports UNN


As the chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Major General Anatoly Bargilevich, pointed out, the arrival of the French delegation is evidence of systematic support and solidarity in the war against the Russian Federation. 

During the visit, the foreign delegation was introduced to the operational situation in the areas of combat operations, cited the facts of violation by the enemy of the rules of warfare and the commission of crimes against humanity. The parties also discussed the operation of weapons and equipment transferred by the French side, prospects for providing military assistance, in particular in protecting the Ukrainian sky, as well as further improving Ukraine's defense capability

- the General Staff said in a statement.

Bargilevich thanked his French counterpart for significant military-technical assistance, as well as training of Ukrainian servicemen both in France and within the framework of the "European Union mission to provide military assistance to Ukraine".

У парламенті Франції закликають скасувати заборону Україні вдаряти по території рф французькою зброєю20.05.24, 09:13


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