
Border guards do not observe existing forces in Russia on the territory of Belarus - Demchenko

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Border guards do not observe the presence of Russian troops in Belarus for a possible invasion, but this direction remains threatening.

Border guards do not observe the Russian military on the territory of Belarus for a possible invasion, but this direction still remains threatening. This was stated on Thursday on the air of the telethon by the speaker of the state border service of Ukraine Andriy Demchenko, reports UNN.

On the border with Belarus, the situation is excellent, we do not see the existing forces in Russia on the territory of Belarus, but this direction remains threatening for us, given, among other things, where Russian troops came from at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. Therefore, we also pay important attention to this area and continue to strengthen it. Both along the border line and in the border areas directly,

Demchenko said.


He added that the exercises that took place in Belarus did not affect the Ukrainian defense capability in any way.

I would like to note once again that Russia does not have sufficient forces or units that would be located on the territory of Belarus. There is a certain number of Russian military personnel there, but these are more logistics units, support units,

Demchenko added.


Over the past day, 111 military clashes occurred at the front , of which 32 occurred in the Pokrovsky direction.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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