
Blockade of the Polish border: border guards do not rule out problems with the delivery of humanitarian aid

 • 27622 переглядiв

Due to the blockade of Polish farmers on the border with Ukraine, a spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine expressed doubts that enough humanitarian aid would be able to pass through such a small number of open border crossings.

Due to the blockade of Polish farmers on the border with Ukraine, problems with the delivery of humanitarian aid are possible. This was stated by the spokesman of the State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko, during a telethon on Friday, UNN reports.

I can add that with the number of border crossings that we have at the moment regarding the movement of trucks, I have doubts that the participants in this blockade, the representatives, are letting through the necessary amount or possible amount of humanitarian aid that is going to Ukraine in all these directions

- Demchenko said.

According to him, "of course, the traffic is limited, but the number of border crossings is very low, so in the queue that exists in Poland, they most likely do not even single out trucks carrying humanitarian aid or other important cargo moving to Ukraine.

When asked if the humanitarian aid was stuck at the border, the SBGS spokesperson said, "most likely yes.

Польські фермери почали блокаду вже шостого пункту пропуску "Корчова-Краківець" - ДПСУ 16.02.24, 12:04


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