
Blinken: feature of the NATO summit will be a "powerful package" for Ukraine

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US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced that this summer at the NATO summit in Washington there will be a "powerful package" of support for Ukraine.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinkin announced that a special feature of this summer's NATO summit in Washington will be a "powerful package" of support for Ukraine. He said this on Friday before an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Prague, writes UNN.

Today we're making, I think, important inner decisions or at least getting to important decisions in advance of the summit to finalize not just the agenda, but to finalize the substance of the summit. (...) You're going to see as well a very robust package for Ukraine, and that will also be a feature of the the summit

Blinken said.

Блінкен заявив, що США роблять Україну ближчою до НАТО14.05.24, 20:21


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