
Biden invited congressional leaders to discuss Ukraine aid bill - Politico

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US President Joe Biden has invited congressional leaders to a meeting at the White House to discuss a national security bill to help Ukraine.

US President Joe Biden invited Congressional leaders to the White House for a meeting on Wednesday to discuss ongoing negotiations on the national security spending bill to help Ukraine and other priorities. About it writes Politico, reports UNN.

The media outlet recalls that Senate negotiators spent months discussing a potential bipartisan agreement to add new border and immigration policy restrictions to Biden's supplemental request for $100 billion for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan and border security. Those talks have yet to result in an agreement.

"Думаю, это вопрос недель" - Зеленский о финансовой помощи от США и Европы16.01.2024, 16:31

"Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker Mike Johnson and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries are expected to attend," the report said.

Key committee leaders, including those heading the Appropriations committees, are also expected to attend, the two people said.


Ukraine's ambassador to the USA Oksana Markarova saidthat Ukraine continues to receive US military aid despite the fact that the Pentagon is running out of money. According to her, Ukraine "needs more weapons", and new bills are urgently needed for this purpose. At the same time, she believes that the US Congress will agree on a package of aid to Ukraine faster than the frozen russian assets will be transferred.

Antonina Tumanova



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