
Before memorial days, the SES advises to check cemeteries for safety through local authorities

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Before visiting cemeteries on memorial days, citizens should consult with local authorities to ensure that cemeteries have been checked for explosive devices and are safe.

Rescuers urge citizens to check the safety of the cemetery for explosive devices before the memorial days through local authorities. This was stated by the press officer of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine Oleksandr Khorunzhyi during a briefing, according to a correspondent of UNN.

Before going to a cemetery, citizens need to find out from local authorities whether the cemetery has been inspected for explosive devices. In other words, citizens should make sure that there are no explosive devices,

- Khorunzhyi emphasized.


He noted that cemeteries are inspected for explosives not only by SES employees, but also by explosive experts from the National Police, sappers from the National Guard and other mine action specialists, and the information collected is passed on to local authorities.


Over the past week, Ukrainian sappers processed more than 7,000 hectares of land and destroyed more than 3,800 explosive devices.


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