
Aviation of the Defense Forces carried out 15 strikes against occupants - General Staff

 • 26103 переглядiв

The General Staff reported that Ukrainian aviation carried out 15 strikes on Russian troops, hitting 10 places of concentration of personnel and 5 anti-aircraft installations, while missile forces struck 9 places of concentration, a fuel depot and 12 artillery positions.

During the day, the aviation of the Defense Forces struck 10 areas of concentration of personnel and 5 enemy anti-aircraft missile systems. This was reported by the General Staff in a morning report, UNN reports.


Missile troops also struck at:

  • 9 areas of concentration of personnel, weapons and military equipment, 
  • 1 warehouse of fuels and lubricants,
  • 12 enemy artillery pieces.

Повітряні Сили збили 13 із 19 шахедів та ракету Х-5921.02.24, 07:12


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