
Austria allocates additional 10 million euros for humanitarian aid to Ukraine

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Austria has allocated an additional €10 million in humanitarian aid to Ukraine to support civilians affected by the ongoing russian invasion.

Austria is allocating an additional 10 million euros in humanitarian aid to Ukraine. This was reported by the Austrian Foreign Ministry, UNN reports.


Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said that his country has allocated an additional 10 million euros for humanitarian aid to Ukraine. 

For more than 120 weeks, Ukrainian civilians have been subjected to russian missile attacks and threats. Millions of people have been forced to flee their homes, and Ukrainian soldiers have been defending their country for more than two years. One person is responsible for this aggression - vladimir putin, who started this war of aggression in his imperialist madness. He can put an end to it today by withdrawing all his troops from Ukraine and stopping the attacks. The people of Ukraine still need our support in the third year of the war, and we are providing another €10 million in humanitarian aid

- said Alexander Schallenberg.

According to the information, out of this 10 million, 6 million euros will be allocated to Neighbor in Need to provide emergency assistance to people in need, including the supply of drinking water, food and emergency shelter. 2 million euros will be provided to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).


Austria has been supporting Ukrainians since the beginning of the war. Thus, 250 million euros have already been provided to Ukraine to alleviate the suffering in the country, support those seeking protection in neighboring countries, and enable reconstruction work.

Австрія виділить 18 мільйонів євро допомоги українцям, що постраждали внаслідок російської агресії21.06.23, 01:52 • [views_883260]


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