
Attack on Dnipropetrovs'k region: "Skhid" destroyed an enemy missile

 • 39931 переглядiв

The Vostok air defense company intercepted a Russian missile aimed at the Dniprovsky district of Dnipropetrovs'k region.

During the last alert, the Russian military fired a missile at the Dnipro district of Dnipropetrovs'k region. However, the deadly projectile did not reach the target. It was destroyed by the defenders of the sky from the Vostok Air Defense Company. For the protection of the sky,  the head of the Dnipro Regional Military Administration Serhiy Lysak thanked , reports UNN.

Russian terrorists are not resting. They sent a missile to the Dniprovsky district. But it was destroyed by fighters from the Vostok military group! Thank you!

- the head of the OVA wrote in Telegram.

Дніпропетровщина: росіяни били з артилерії та ударними-дронами07.01.24, 10:16

Tatiana Salganik



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