
At the front, the invaders occupied the noise and advanced in Sokol and North-DeepState

 • 29190 переглядiв

DeepState: enemy troops occupied the noise and advanced in the Falcon and North.

At the front, enemy forces occupied the noise and advanced in Sokol and Severny. This is reported by DeepState, reports UNN.

The enemy occupied the noise and advanced in Sokol and Severny

- DeepState.


According to the General Staff, almost a third of all clashes at the front occurred in the Pokrovsky direction. Active battles were fought in the areas of Vozdvizhenka, Novoaleksandrovka and Sokol. The enemy made 31 attempts to improve their positions.

Генштаб про ситуацію на фронті: кількість бойових зіткнень зросла до 99, по Торецьку ворог застосував КАБи21.06.24, 20:12

Julia Kotvitskaya



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