
As a result of a missile attack on March 1 in Crimea, the occupiers' air base "Guardian" was damaged - media

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Three russian servicemen were wounded as a result of an alleged rocket attack on an air base in occupied Crimea on March 1.

russia says three russian servicemen were wounded in an alleged missile attack on an air base in occupied Crimea. This was reported by UNN with reference to the ASTRA Telegram channel. 


It is noted that the shelling took place on March 1, around 4 pm. Both missiles exploded. It is also reported that the taxiway of the airfield sustained damage.

Нічні вибухи у Криму: в Феодосії знищено нафтопровід окупантів – АТЕШ03.03.24, 12:29

In addition, several occupants were wounded.


According to Radio Liberty, the 37th Mixed Aviation Regiment of the russian Air Force, consisting of two squadrons of Su-24M and Su-25SM - 12 aircraft each - is based at the Gvardeyske airfield.


Last week, on March 1, UNN reported that explosions were heard in the occupied Crimea. Then the locals said that as a result of the arrival of the aircraft, the power went out in the village of Guardian. 

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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