
Another Russian agent is sentenced to 15 years in prison for launching missiles in Kharkiv region

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The SBU announced the sentencing of a 64-year-old FSB agent to 15 years in prison for high treason. He collected intelligence on Ukrainian military facilities in Kharkiv region, working under the guise of a taxi driver.

In Ukraine, one of the Russian agents who launched missile attacks on the territory of Kharkiv region was sentenced to 15 years in prison. This was stated by the Security Service of Ukraine, reports UNN.


The agency said that the offender was a member of the FSB agent network, which was neutralized in the regional center in June 2023. At that time, the SBU detained all three members of the criminal group, who were engaged in adjusting fire on the territory of Kharkiv and the region.

According to the investigation, the convict is a 64-year-old resident of one of the villages in Kharkiv district, who was remotely recruited by the FSB.

During the search, mobile phones and computer equipment with evidence of his cooperation with the occupiers were seized from the detainee.

Based on the evidence collected by the Security Service investigators, the court found him guilty under Part 2 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (high treason committed by a group of persons under martial law). Court sentenced (...)to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property

- the SBU summarized. 

It is noted that in June this year, based on SBU materials, another member of the FSB agent group was sentenced to 15 years in prison. The investigation into the third suspect is ongoing.

Коригували ракетні удари по Одесі: затримано жіночу агентурну групу фсб05.07.24, 10:30


Investigators found out that the agent was tasked by the Russian Federal Security Service to gather information about the temporary location of the training center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kharkiv region, the geolocation of fortifications and firing positions of Ukrainian troops defending the regional center.

To gather intelligence, he moved around the city and the region under the guise of a taxi driver, and “in the dark” asked passengers for information he needed.

Communication with the enemy special service took place through its “liaison”. It turned out to be another traitor, Oleksandr Slisarenko, who was one of the heads of the local occupation administration of the Russian Federation after the capture of Kupyansk.

The agent used an anonymous chat in a popular messenger to communicate with him.


A 31-year-old resident of the Dnipropetrovs'k region was sentenced to 15 years in prison for passing passwords and instructions for crossing checkpoints to the Russian Federal Security Service during a full-scale war.


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