
Andriushchenko told how much the Russian population in Mariupol has increased in six months

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Over the past six months, the number of Russians in the temporarily occupied Mariupol has increased by about 7-8 thousand, changing the ethnic composition of the city.

Over the past six months, the number of Russians in the temporarily occupied Mariupol has increased by about 7-8 thousand. This was reported by the advisor to the mayor of Mariupol Petro Andriushchenko during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN.

If we talk about the city as a whole, there is no Ukrainian Mariupol today. The Russians have completely changed the face of the city with their dismantling and their attempts to partially build something. The city has become completely different, we do not recognize it, and in addition to this, they are changing the ethnic composition, basically the component of the city among the people. In Mariupol, there are about 80-85 thousand of our Mariupol residents of all ages, and there are about 0 Russians

- Andriushchenko said.

According to him, over the past six months alone, the number of Russians in occupied Mariupol has increased by about 7-8 thousand.

"Only in the last six months, based on the statistics we received from our insiders on the number of children in schools and how much it has increased, we can say that only in the last six months, the Russian population in occupied Mariupol has increased by about 7-8 thousand, and these are those who leave with families, with children. Therefore, the expansion continues, the replacement of the population continues," Andriushchenko said.


The heroic defense of Mariupol lasted from February 24 to May 20, 2022 - 86 days, 82 of which were completely surrounded.

 Andriushchenko reminded that exactly two years ago, the occupiers finished exhuming the bodies of the victims from under the ruins of the Drama Theater .


The occupation authorities of Mariupol are carrying out dismantling and repair work on the site of the Drama Theater, which they destroyed in 2022. Back then, hundreds of families with children were hiding in the basements of the Drama Theater.

Anna Murashko



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