
"An absurd attempt to present oneself as a peacemaker": the Foreign Ministry responded to Putin's ultimatums on negotiations

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Russia's statements about its readiness for peace talks are manipulative attempts to undermine diplomatic efforts and split global unity around UN principles. Putin's latest ultimatums are aimed at forcing Ukraine to give up the occupied territories and give up its sovereignty.

The latest statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding Moscow's readiness for peace talks are yet another manipulative attempt by Russia to portray itself as a peacemaker. This is stated in the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs explains that Putin has made another series of manipulative statements aimed at misleading the international community.

The ministry added that in this way Russia wants to undermine diplomatic efforts aimed at achieving a just peace and split the unity of the world majority around the goals and principles of the UN Charter.

It is absurd that Putin, who planned, prepared and carried out, together with his accomplices, the largest armed aggression in Europe since World War II, is trying to present himself as a peacemaker and put forward options for ending the war he started that undermine the foundations of the international legal order and the UN Charter

- the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. 

It is noted that all the ultimatums voiced by Putin have already been heard many times from Moscow and there is nothing new in these new statements.

However, this time they were voiced on the eve of the inaugural Global Peace Summit in Switzerland.

Putin has only one goal: to prevent the participation of leaders and countries in this summit. The appearance of Putin's statements just one day before the summit shows that Russia is afraid of real peace

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is confident. 

The ministry emphasizes that Ukraine never wanted this war and wants it to end more than anyone else in the world. However, this requires a powerful and effective international coalition of states that share the principles of a just peace based on the Peace Formula and the UN Charter, to which it fully complies.

The participation of as many countries and international organizations as possible in the inaugural Global Peace Summit is critical to make Russia abandon ultimatums and move to good-faith negotiations to end the war, rather than propaganda statements under the guise of horrific missile attacks on Ukraine

- summarized the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.


Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia is ready to start negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, but that Kyiv needs to withdraw its troops from the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions and declare a non-nuclear and non-aligned status.


Commenting on the statements of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council noted that it was only a pause, not the end of the war. Andriy Kovalenko , the head of the Center, explained that in this way Russia is trying to build up its forces for further offensives. 

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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