
Amid US sanctions, China refuses to supply equipment to Russia for the Arctic LNG 2 project

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Due to the US sanctions, the Chinese company Wison New Energies ceased its operations in Russia and refused to supply modules for Novatek's Arctic LNG 2 project, which forced the project to delay gas exports from the first production line.

Due to US sanctions against the PRC, the Russian company "Novatek" could not receive the modules for the "Arctic LNG 2" project, which were produced for it at the Chinese shipyard Wison New Energies.The publication gCaptain writes about this, UNN reports.


The publication adds that they even managed to send the equipment to Russia, but a few days before arriving in Belokamenka, Murmansk region, the ship turned around and went back.

The reason for this was the decision of the Chinese company Wison New Energies, one of the main technological partners of the Russian Federation, to stop working in Russia. The company's management took this step after a number of Chinese companies suspected of cooperating with Russia  were sanctioned by the United States.

It is noted that  Arctic LNG 2 is NRMATEC's second major LNG export project after the Yamal LNG plant with a capacity of 16.5 million tons per year, launched in 2017.

The project envisages the construction of three liquefied natural gas production lines with a capacity of 6.6 million tons per year each. However, due to the sanctions, Arctic LNG 2 was unable to start exporting gas from the first production line, which was supposed to be launched at the beginning of this year.  

У США побоюються введення нових санкцій проти рф через вибори і кампанію Байдена08.07.24, 10:02


Andriy Kovalenko, head of the National Security and Defense Council's Center for Political Analysis, explained that the Chinese company's decision to suspend cooperation with Russia and sell the plant involved in the Russian project may indicate an attempt to protect itself from possible sanctions.

He also emphasized that this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. As a result of the talks, they announced strengthening the strategic directions of Russian-Indian economic cooperation until 2030

Since Soviet times, Russia has been a source of weapons, energy and space technologies for India. India is a competitor of China. russia is trying to reduce its total dependence on Beijing, but also does so by selling oil products to India at a low cost

- explained the head of the CPD, 


Against the backdrop of Western sanctions, Chinese banks are increasingly demanding that entrepreneurs confirm that goods purchased in "friendly" countries such as Serbia, Belarus and Kazakhstan will not be sent to Russia.

Китай посилює контроль за експортом товарів подвійного призначення до росії05.07.24, 16:59


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