
According to 49% of Ukrainians, tighter control of information is a restriction on freedom

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Almost half of the Ukrainians surveyed believe that the state's attempts to exercise more active control over information in Internet sources are a restriction of citizens' rights and freedoms. At the same time, 44% agree with the strengthening of control over information on the Internet.

This is reported by UNN with reference to a study by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS).


The share of people in Ukraine who believe that government attempts to exercise more active control over information on the Internet

- is a restriction on the rights and freedoms of citizens.

In February 2024, the situation changed significantly, and according to the authors of the study, "now there are more people who perceive attempts by the state to be more active in relation to Internet sources as a restriction of rights and freedoms - 49%.

At the same time, the number of those who support the control of Internet sources almost reaches the above figure.

At the same time, the share of those who believe that in order to strengthen security, it would be worthwhile to more actively control information in online sources has decreased to 44%.

 - KIIS informs.

Interesting differences of opinion on the Telegram platform.

Among those who use Telegram channels, 43% agree that in order to strengthen protection against the enemy, the state should more actively control information in online sources. At the same time, among those who do not use Telegram channels, 46% would consider such actions of the state to be a restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens. 

- reads the explanation to the KIIS report.

The sociologists explain the lack of connection between the attitude to restrictions and the use of TV channels (and websites) by the fact that they asked about control, not closure.

Experts also analyze the reasons for the decline in those who support more active state control over information on the Internet. It is pointed out that this is a consequence of the decline in public confidence in the authorities.

The decline since 2022 in the share of those who support more active state control over information in online sources is likely a consequence of a general decline in public trust in the authorities. As a result, many citizens may now perceive such initiatives as attempts at censorship and political tools to silence the voices of government critics (it is worth recalling that while in May 2022, 68% believed that the government should not be criticized, at the end of 2023, 70% believed that, on the contrary, it was worth criticizing possible unsuccessful decisions or actions).

 - reports the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.


According to the poll, 80% of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine won the war.

A KIIS poll shows that 55% of Ukrainians want quick punishment for corrupt officialseven if it means breaking the law, while 42% prefer a judicial process, even if it is slow. Trust in the legal system influences these views.

Українські хакери атакували найбільший російський інтернет-портал Mail.ru29.02.24, 15:56


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