
All shelters in Ukraine will be inventoried and entered into a special register: Rada supports bill

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Ukraine will create so-called security centers, where several emergency services will be located at once. In addition, an inventory of all shelters will be made and entered into a special register. This was stated by Olena Shulyak, chairwoman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on the Organization of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning, UNN reports with reference to the press service of the Servant of the People party.


The corresponding draft law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts on Prevention of Emergencies and Elimination of Their Consequences, Formation of a Fund for Civil Defense Facilities, Creation of Classrooms and Safety Centers" (No. 11345) was supported by the Verkhovna Rada today, on September 17.

According to Shulyak, Ukraine will build a system of civil defense facilities in accordance with EU standards. This includes the creation of so-called security centers, which will house several emergency services at once: a fire station with a control room, a base for an emergency medical team, and a police station.

The draft law also introduces new rules for accounting for protective structures. First of all, it concerns bomb shelters and shelters. From now on, each shelter must be registered and undergo a technical inventory.

This will help to know the exact number and condition of such structures. In addition, the draft law stipulates that new construction of apartment buildings, in particular, will be required to build shelters. It also envisages the creation of an electronic register to which fire and rescue units should be added to ensure local fire protection

- Shulyak said. 

In addition, condominiums will be obliged to inspect the existing underground space and equip civil defense facilities there and maintain them, if such a decision is made at a general meeting. That is, it will be up to the residents of the building to decide, explained Shulyak.

She also added that previously, each company decided for itself whether it needed emergency services. Now the emphasis is on specific facilities where the risk of accidents or disasters is particularly high.

In addition, the MP noted, the draft law No. 11345 adopted as a basis means integration into the EU civil protection mechanism and aims to bring the civil protection system in line with EU standards.

МОН про будівництво укриттів в школах: майже на 85% закриваємо всі прифронтові, прикордонні регіони цією потребою26.08.24, 16:50

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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