
After his visits to Russia and China, Orban provided the EU with his own "peace plan" for the war in Ukraine

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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban presents the "Orban Plan" for peace talks to EU leaders after visiting Ukraine, Russia, and China on a "peacekeeping mission.

After his visits to Ukraine, Russia, and China, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban provided the EU leader with a report on his "peacekeeping mission" along with Budapest's "peaceful" proposals. This was stated by the political director of the Hungarian Prime Minister Balázs Orban in an interview with the Magyar Nemzet .  


According to him, every EU leader currently has an "Orban plan" on their desk.

Balázs Orbán said that after his trips to Russia and Ukraine, the Hungarian prime minister realized that Kyiv and Moscow were "very determined to fight.

"And without the intervention of external mediators, we will unfortunately see very brutal destruction in the coming months

- explained the political director of the Hungarian Prime Minister.

He noted that in this regard Hungary has started negotiations with potential mediators: China, Turkey and Donald Trump.

Після візитів Орбана Будапешт отримав "жовту картку" на зустрічі ЄС - Politico11.07.24, 08:58

But the Europeans and the current US administration are in favor of continuing the war. The prime minister has written to EU leaders about the negotiations, the outcome of the first phase of the peacekeeping mission, and the Hungarian proposals. If Europe wants peace and wants to have a decisive voice in resolving the war and ending the bloodshed, it must now develop and implement a change of direction

- Balázs Orbán is convinced. 

According to him, Hungary's role as a mediator should not be underestimated, as he believes the country can play a "serious role in mediation.

Hungary is a capable mediator, as the last two weeks have shown, and our task now is to combine this new approach and try to convince the EU member states of Viktor Orban's plan

- Viktor Orbán's political director said . 


Bloomberg, citing its own sources, said that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's visits to Moscow and Beijing to meet with Putin and Xi Jinping have irritated Western allies.

Угорщину можуть усунути від головування в ЄС після візитів Орбана до рф та Китаю - Politico09.07.24, 20:08


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