
A law enforcement officer is suspected of organizing illegal border crossing by "evaders"

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The state Bureau of Investigation reported suspicion to a law enforcement officer from the Chernivtsi region for organizing the illegal transfer of "evaders" across the border. This is reported by the State Bureau of Investigation, reports UNN.


Employees of the state Bureau of Investigation (GBR) exposed a law enforcement officer from the Chernivtsi region, who planned to earn money on "evaders" trying to illegally leave the country.

Through internet messengers, the official found potential "clients" and promised them to help them cross the border without hindrance for 2 thousand dollars. He gave the men appropriate clothing and, under the guise of colleagues, transported them through roadblocks. In the future, the "evaders" had to cross the border on foot along a pre-determined route.

During one of these crossings, a law enforcement officer and two of his "clients" were exposed. The official was dismissed from the service, he was informed of suspicion of organizing the illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine for selfish reasons (Part 3 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for a penalty of up to 9 years ' imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Від 3 до 10 тис. доларів: Демченко розповів, які суми платять чоловіки організаторам за незаконний перетин кордону 22.04.24, 14:21


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