
50 convicts who wanted to mobilize have already been released by the court

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Khmelnytsky City District Court allowed the release of 50 convicts from a penal colony for military service.

The Khmelnytsky City District Court allowed fifty convicts serving their sentences in a penal colony to serve military service. Most of the volunteers are young men, mostly convicted of property crimes, namely theft. UNN informs about this with reference to the court's message.


"On May 22, the Khmelnytsky City District Court granted all 50 petitions for conditional release of convicts from serving their sentences for military service and the establishment of administrative supervision over them, which were received from the State Institution "Raykivetska Correctional Colony (No. 78)," the statement reads.

According to some of the men, they expressed a desire to serve and defend the country during the consideration of their cases in courts, but at that time the legislation did not provide for such a possibility. At the same time, according to the convicts, there are a large number of people in the penal colony who do not want to be released on parole in this way.

"According to the materials submitted to the court and the texts of court rulings, it is obvious that the vast majority of volunteers are young men convicted mostly of property crimes, namely theft. During the court hearings, they said that they had no special skills for military service, but expressed confidence that they would be able to master them quickly enough," the statement said.

Понад 3 тисячі засуджених подали заяви для проходження військової служби - Мін’юст21.05.24, 16:00

It is also reported that many of the convicts during the videoconferences pointed out that their relatives and friends died because of the war, including those who participated in the defense of Ukraine, which serves as an additional motivation for them.

Volunteers from among the convicts understand that after the ruling enters into force (no later than 24 hours), representatives of the National Guard of Ukraine will take them to the Khmelnytsky District Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support to sign a contract and perform military service in the military unit assigned to them.

"In addition, we would like to remind you that the court imposed administrative supervision over the men for a period of one year, but no longer than until their discharge from military service. Such supervision will be carried out by the commanders of the military unit under which they will serve under contract. The restrictions include a ban on staying outside the military unit's location and traveling on personal business without the permission of the commander," the court said.

Additionally, it is emphasized that the convicted Ukrainians who will be mobilized to the army will serve exclusively in special units at military units, and not in the National Guard of Ukraine. Earlier, this was reported to the media  by Defense Ministry spokesman Dmytro Lazutkin. 


On May 17, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a lawthat will allow prisoners to be released from serving their sentences if they are performing military service.

The National Security Committee stated that they hoped that about 3-7 thousand prisoners would express their readiness to go to the front.

Anna Murashko



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