
135 combat engagements registered in the frontline - General Staff

 • 64197 переглядiв

135 combat engagements were registered in the frontline. The enemy launched 4 missile attacks, 77 air strikes and over 4,500 shelling rounds, and Ukrainian forces repelled numerous attacks in different directions.

A total of 135 combat engagements were registered in the frontline. The enemy launched four missile attacks on the positions of Ukrainian units and populated areas using seven missiles, as well as 77 air strikes, dropping 106 UAVs. In addition, it carried out more than 4,500 attacks, 151 of which were from multiple launch rocket systems, UNN reports .


The aggressor carried out air strikes in the vicinity of settlements, in particular, Hlyboke, Mali Prokhody, Liptsi, Vovchanski Khutory, Staritsa, Pylyna and Vesele in Kharkiv region; Toretsk, Pivnichne, Shcherbakivka, Berestok, Zalizne, Novoselivka Persha, Oleksandropil, Tymofiivka, Vovche, Hrodivka in Donetsk region; Lobkove, Kamianske, Mala Tokmachka and Novodanylivka in Zaporizhzhia region.

Yesterday, the aviation, missile troops and artillery of the Defense Forces conducted 12 strikes on the areas of concentration of enemy personnel and weapons, as well as hit one electronic warfare station, one “Osa” SAM and a helicopter landing site.

In the Kharkiv sector, five combat engagements took place in the vicinity of Hlyboke and Vovchansk.

In the Kupyansk sector, the number of attacks amounted to 10 over the day. Defense forces repelled enemy assaults near Sinkivka, Petropavlivka, Novoosynove and Stelmakhivka.

In the Liman sector, the enemy attacked 16 times near Hrekivka, Nevske, Terny, Novosadove, and in the Serebryansky forest.

In the Seversky sector, Ukrainian defenders repelled Russian assault operations near Bilohorivka, Verkhnekamianske, Vyymka and Pereyizne. A total of 11 firefights took place.

In the Kramatorsk sector, the occupants attacked nine times in the areas of Chasovyi Yar, Klishchiyivka, Hryhorivka and Bila Hora.

In the Toretsk sector, the enemy carried out 19 attacks near Pivnichne, Toretsk, Nyzhnyk and Zalizne.

In the Pokrovske sector, our defenders repelled 36 assaults in the areas of Vozdvyzhenka, Novooleksandrivka, Prohres, Kalynove, Yasnobrodivka, Skuchne, Oleksandropil and Novoselivka Persha, where the invaders, supported by aviation, tried to force our units out of their positions. The highest concentration of enemy attacks was near Novooleksandrivka and Novoselivka Persha.

In the Kurakhove sector, the Defense Forces repelled 11 attacks near Krasnohorivka, Karlivka, Paraskoviivka and Kostiantynivka, where the enemy tried to break through the defense of our troops.

In the Vremivske sector, the enemy made one attack near Vodiane.

In the Orikhivsk sector, the occupants continue to try to drive Ukrainian units out of their positions. Seven Russian attacks failed in the areas of Mala Tokmachka, Shcherbaky, Robotyne and Novoandriivka

In the Prydniprovsky sector, six combat engagements with the enemy took place on the left bank of the Dnipro River.

On the Gulyaypillia direction, the situation has not changed significantly.

No signs of enemy offensive groups were detected in the Volyn and Polissya sectors.

Ще плюс 990 окупантів і 7 танків: Генштаб оновив дані про втрати ворога20.07.24, 07:38


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