
Zirne distillery in Rivne region sold for UAH 60 million

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The State Property Fund of Ukraine has successfully sold the property complex of the State Enterprise Zirnenskyi Distillery in Rivne region for UAH 60 million through an auction on Prozorro.Sale.

The State Property Fund of Ukraine has sold the property complex of the state-owned Zirnenskyi Distillery at an auction. This was stated by the head of the SPFU Vitaliy Koval, UNN reports.


Zirnenskyi distillery in Rivne region has been successfully privatized for UAH 60 million. Three bidders competed in the auction on Prozorro.Sale, raising the price of the lot by 3.2 times

- the post reads. 

According to Koval, the new owner acquires an operating company specializing in the production of high-quality alcoholic beverages. In 2023, the company's total revenue amounted to UAH 151.6 million, and in the first quarter of 2024 - UAH 843 thousand.

Фонд держмайна продав з аукціону підприємство, що належить підсанкційному олігарху з рф Саввіді10.06.24, 19:23 • [views_27221]

In addition to the value of the asset, the new owner has to pay VAT and repay its debt obligations to the budget in the amount of UAH 50.5 million.


The State Property Fund has set the starting price for the Ukraina Hotel in Kyiv. It is going to be sold for at least UAH 1.048 billion. The starting price was determined by the auction commission, and is yet to be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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