
Zelenskyy: Weapons brought to Ukraine really help, not just declared ones - Zelenskyy

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President Zelenskyy emphasized the importance of providing Ukraine with real weapons in a timely manner, not just announced aid packages, to counter Russian terror and protect Ukrainian cities and lives.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the weapons brought to Ukraine really help , not just the announced ones, UNN reports.

"Today, every air defense system, every anti-missile system is literally what saves lives and keeps our cities and communities alive.

It is important that our partners support our soldiers and Ukraine's resilience with timely supplies. Really timely. The package that really helps is the weapons brought to Ukraine, not just the announced ones," Zelenskyy said.

According to him, Russian terror must lose. And this can only be done with a specific force, a specific weapon.

"Life must win. I am grateful to everyone in the world who helps us in this!" the President summarized.

Працюємо, щоб зброя якнайшвидше показала себе на фронті: Зеленський про новий пакет допомоги від США10.05.24, 22:14


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