
Zelenskyy: the Organization of American States joined the Peace Summit communiqué

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The Organization of American States has joined the Peace Summit communiqué, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Wednesday.

The Organization of American States has joined the signatories to the Peace Summit communiqué, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Wednesday, UNN reports.

Another signature to the communiqué of the first Peace Summit. The Organization of American States joined the document

- Zelensky said in X. 

The President expressed gratitude to the OAS, an important regional organization that brings together 32 states from the Americas, and its Secretary General Luis Almagro "for supporting global efforts to restore the full force of the UN Charter.

"The Communiqué of the first Peace Summit is being signed by an increasing number of states and organizations, which demonstrates its global significance. The document reinforces respect for the fundamental norms of international law that protect all peace-loving nations. We continue to call on everyone to join our global efforts that promote equality for all nations, bring a just peace to Ukraine and create opportunities for global leadership," - Zelensky said.

Зеленський: до комюніке Саміту миру приєдналась Антигуа і Барбуда19.06.24, 11:20


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