
WP: russia buys ballistic missiles and drone defense systems from Iran

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russia and Iran are actively deepening their military cooperation. In particular, Tehran agreed to transfer ballistic missiles to russia, and Moscow purchased Iranian drone defense systems. The countries are also working together to develop new types of unmanned aerial vehicles.

As part of Moscow's expanding cooperation with Tehran, russia is preparing new arms supplies to Iran in exchange for ballistic missiles and drones. The Washington Post writes about this with reference to sources , UNN reports.


It is noted that Moscow also benefits from cooperation with Iran. Thus, in addition to the thousands of drones purchased from Iran, at the end of last year, russia agreed to purchase additional military goods worth about $2 billion, including anti-drone defense systems, which have become a priority for russian generals in Ukraine.

Iran has separately agreed to sell russia surface-to-surface missiles for use in Ukraine, and, according to a new intelligence assessment, is expected to begin arms transfers soon  

- writes The Washington Post.

Sources say that spy services have not yet found evidence that the missiles were delivered.

У ГУР заявили, що існує загроза поставок балістичних ракет рф з Ірану17.01.24, 17:00


Also recently , Moscow and Tehran have begun to cooperate on new types of unmanned aerial vehicles. This is evidenced by a number of documents that were stolen from an Iranian server. 

In particular, several documents describe the trip of a delegation of russian engineers to Iran in April 2023 to watch a demonstration of a new jet-powered drone, as well as a line of UAVs designed to intercept enemy drones.

Joint production of drones provides significant benefits for Iran, including the opportunity to evaluate their effectiveness on Ukrainian battlefields  

- the publication concludes. 


In February, Reuters reported, citing a number of sources in Iran, that Tehran had transferred hundreds of ballistic missiles with a range of up to 700 km to russia.


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