The weather on Wednesday, December 4, in Ukraine will be cloudy. Forecasters predict that there will be no precipitation on this day. This is reported by UNN with reference to Ukrhydrometcenter.
So, according to weather forecasters, December 4 will be without precipitation. At night and in the morning in the West and north-east of the country there will be fog in some places.
It is indicated that the wind will be mainly south-easterly, its gusts will be 3 – 8 meters per second.
Forecasters also indicated how temperature indicators will fluctuate in the regions and whether to expect frosts in the regions.
The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center noted that the temperature at night will be 0 – 5 degrees below zero, during the day from 2 degrees below zero to 3 degrees below zero. In the southern and western regions at night about 0 degrees, during the day 0 – 5 degrees Celsius, in the Crimea up to 9 degrees. In the Carpathians at night 5 – 10 degrees of frost, during the day about 0 degrees.
Temperature by roles in Ukraine:
- Kiev -1- + 3
- Uzhgorod +2 – +4
- Lviv +2 – +4
- Ivano-Frankivsk +2 – +4
- Ternopil +1 – +3
- Chernivtsi +1 – +3
- Khmelnytskyi +1 – +3
- Lutsk +1 – +3
- Exactly +2 – +4
- Zhytomyr -1 - +1
- Vinnytsia 0- + 2
- Odessa +3 – +5
- Nikolaev +2 – +4
- Kherson +2 – +4
- Simferopol +5 – +7
- Kropyvnytskyi -1 - +1
- Cherkasy 0- + 2
- Chernihiv 0- + 2
- Amounts -1 - +1
- Poltava 0- + 2
- Dnipro +1 – +3
- Zaporozhye +2 – +4
- Donetsk +1 – +3
- Luhansk +1 – +3
- Kharkiv -1 - +1
Ковзанки, які можна буде відвідати цьогоріч у Києві02.12.24, 13:18