On November 16, the weather in Ukraine is expected to be mostly dry, cloudy, but with clearings. In most regions, precipitation is not expected in the morning. In the east and southeast, there may be some wet snow and rain at night. This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, UNN reports.
According to the forecast, Ukrainians will experience partly cloudy weather. Thermometers across the country will show temperatures above 0°.
In Transcarpathia and Prykarpattia, there will be fog in some places at night and in the morning. Northwest wind with a shift to southwest, 5-10 m / s. Temperatures at night will be from 3° C to 2° C, in the Crimea 1-6° C; during the day it will be slightly warmer than today - 3-8° C.
Sunny weather is expected in Kyiv region, but clouds may cover the sky during the day. The speed of the predominantly westerly wind will be 5-10 m/s. The air temperature in the region will drop to 0...+2 °C at night, and will warm up to +5...7 °C during the day.
The temperature in the capital will be around +1 °C at night and +5...+7 °C during the day.
After the warm weekend, the weather in Ukraine will change dramatically. Forecasters predict a sharp deterioration in weather conditions: snow, frost and blizzards.
Як приготувати осінні напої: рецепти від відомих шеф-кухарів18.10.24, 19:11