
We have a very good relationship: Zelensky on British intelligence

 • 64625 переглядiв

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that he has very good relations with the UK intelligence service. He said this in an interview with the British TV channel Channel 4 News, an UNN correspondent reports.  

The United Kingdom has really been with us from the first days until now. And I've been with all your prime ministers... But also with the intelligence community. We also have a very good relationship at the intelligence level. But you should know that I have a relationship with your intelligence. We are very open. I talk to some of your leaders, because I don't just talk to the prime minister or His Majesty or anybody else. No, no, no. We are very close partners. And we have a very good relationship. 

- Zelensky said.  


Asked if this relationship would continue even if Britain gets a new government in the United Kingdom, Zelenskyy replied: "It would be great for our relationship, it would be great for your institutions.

Історичний договір: Україна та Британія підписали в Києві угоду про безпеку12.01.24, 16:05


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak saidthat he is thinking of calling a general election in the United Kingdom in the second half of this year, seemingly ruling out holding it this spring. 

Anna Murashko



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