
Volyn region serves suspicion notice to law enforcement officer for helping fugitives go abroad

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The SBI suspects a law enforcement officer of facilitating the illegal crossing of the border into Poland for more than 30 men of military age since 2022.

Law enforcement officers have been notified of suspicion of facilitating illegal travel abroad for more than 30 men of military age in a scheme with a price for the service of $3,500, the State Bureau of Investigation reported on Friday, UNN reports.


"In Volyn, the State Bureau of Investigation served a notice of suspicion to a law enforcement officer who helped more than 30 men illegally leave Ukraine. (...) The law enforcement officer was served a notice of suspicion of illegal transportation of persons across the state border by prior conspiracy by a group of persons (Part 2 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)," the statement reads.

According to the Bureau, the suspect helped a criminal group smuggle men of military age to Poland.

"The dealers were looking for 'clients' in social networks, and the cost of services was 3.5 thousand US dollars. The men were taken to a border checkpoint in Volyn. Later, the official did not enter information about them into the automated information exchange system for the control of persons crossing the state border. Due to this, the fugitives were able to leave Ukraine without any obstacles," the SBI said.

According to the investigation, "more than 30 men have been trafficked to Poland under this scheme since 2022.

The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for up to 7 years.

"A motion for a preventive measure and removal from office has also been filed with the court," the SBI said.

The investigation is ongoing, and the full range of persons involved in the illegal activity is being identified.

"Заробляла" на ухилянтах: затримано ексзаступницю голови Волинської ОВА11.09.24, 13:15


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